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Hvad er Tricentis qTest?

Tricentis qTest er en skalerbar teststyringsløsning, der integrerer med planlægnings-, test- og DevOps-værktøjer som Jira, Selenium og Jenkins, og giver teams et komplet, forenet overblik over testning i hele softwareudviklingscyklussen. Den understøtter agile, vandfalds- eller enhver hybridmetodologi, hvilket gør det muligt for QA- og udviklingsteams at nærme sig testning strategisk og samarbejdende for at frigive højere kvalitetssoftware hurtigere.

Hvem bruger Tricentis qTest?

En testplatform, der hjælper agile teams med test case-styring, testautomatisering, rapportering og analyse.

Hvor kan Tricentis qTest anvendes?


Om leverandøren

  • Tricentis
  • Beliggende i Atlanta, USA
  • Grundlagt i 1997

Support vedrørende Tricentis qTest

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chat

Tilgængelige lande

Australien, Belgien, Canada, Danmark, Finland og 17 andre


engelsk, tysk

Pris på Tricentis qTest


1.000,00 US$/år
  • Ja, kommer med en gratis prøve
  • Ingen gratis version

Tricentis qTest har ikke en gratis version men tilbyder en gratis prøve. Tricentis qTestden betalte version starter fra 1.000,00 US$/år.

Prisordninger Få en gratis prøveversion

Om leverandøren

  • Tricentis
  • Beliggende i Atlanta, USA
  • Grundlagt i 1997

Support vedrørende Tricentis qTest

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chat

Tilgængelige lande

Australien, Belgien, Canada, Danmark, Finland og 17 andre


engelsk, tysk

Videoer og billeder af Tricentis qTest

Software til Tricentis qTest - 1
Software til Tricentis qTest - 2
Software til Tricentis qTest - 3
Software til Tricentis qTest - 4
Vis 4 mere
Software til Tricentis qTest - 1
Software til Tricentis qTest - 2
Software til Tricentis qTest - 3
Software til Tricentis qTest - 4

Egenskaber ved Tricentis qTest

  • Adgangskontrolelementer/tilladelser
  • Anmeldelser af testmanuskript
  • Automated Testing
  • Hierarkisk visning
  • Håndtering af softwaretest
  • Kvalitetssikring
  • Multiple Test Types
  • Overvågning
  • Projektledelse
  • Rapportering/analyse
  • Samarbejdsværktøjer
  • Sporing af fejl
  • Statussporing
  • Styring af krav
  • Understøtter paralleludførelse
  • Versionskontrol

Alternativer til Tricentis qTest

Asana tilbyder en af de enkleste måder at organisere og administrere arbejde på tværs af teams. Her vises, hvorfor Asana er blandt den software, der klarer sig bedst på Capterra.
monday.com er et skybaseret Work OS, hvor teams driver deres projekter og hverdagsarbejde, uanset om de er på kontoret, hjemme eller på farten.
Håndtér projekter og forbedr arbejdsgange med Wrikes arbejdsstyringssoftware. Fjern barrierer, find klarhed og overgå mål.
Et visuelt samarbejdsværktøj, der skaber et fælles perspektiv for teamet på et hvilket som helst projekt på en sjov, fleksibel og givende måde.
Caspio er en af verdens førende platforme, der ikke kræver meget kodning til opbygning af online databaseapplikationer.

Anmeldelser af Tricentis qTest

Gennemsnitlig score

Værdi for pengene

Anmeldelser efter virksomhedsstørrelse (medarbejdere)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Find anmeldelser efter vurdering

Software test Specialist i USA
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 10.000+ medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Perfect tool for Agile management

5,0 for 4 år siden

Kommentarer: Really well versed usability of the tool in the project. Used almost all the features mentioned in pros, helpful for scrum meetings, getting updates on time, good understanding of the names in tool like release, sprint, labels, etc., Reporting was very colorful for effective presentation, user management is very easy across projects.


Perfectly fit for agile projects, story board, customization of the product, reporting, bug management, reporting and analysis, user management, project milestones, color coding, flexible to upload/link attachments, shortcut keys for accessing items, integration with other market tools like blueprint, microsoft azure, caliber, etc.,


I liked all the features, least item is managing API code with postman tool and other coding features.

Ssr. QA Tester i Argentina
Forsikring, 1.001-5.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

A Great tool to manage all QA cycle

5,0 for 4 måneder siden

Kommentarer: it has been a great experience to work with QA tasks


Its easy integration with different tools such as JIRA and the way it allows to manage test cases, requirements, bugs and everything related to SDLC


It becomes slow to run Insights queries when you have many projects selected

Technical Consultant i USA
Computer- og netværkssikkerhed, 501-1.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder

Review of qTest

3,0 for 6 år siden


The software was integrated with qTest to bring over requirements and create test cases and execute them in qTest. We were able to run queries to find specific modules and run specific test cases. We were also able to effectively track which test cases had been executed and the result of those test cases. Then, qTest created helpful infographics to help us further track how far along in the test execution process we were.


Sometimes, the requirements between qTest and JIRA did not sync well. There were many times where the number of requirements in each software was not the same. Along with this, some of the qTest add-ons such as Insights are very difficult to work with and not intuitive as normal data analysis tools.

Software QA Engineer i USA
Uddannelsesstyring, 10.000+ medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Great Testing Management for the Software QA engineers and Managers.

4,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: We moved from HP ALM over to qTest few years ago; it has been for us from night to day. The integration of the tool with Jira has helped the team to improve quality overall.Great to control the quality process and improve our test case development process


The ease of use.Be able to copy/paste images to test cases steps.Version control.Execution process.


Application updates for patching existing issues and new features takes way too long to wait.

Sr. QA Automation Engineer i Argentina
Forsikring, 1.001-5.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Great Test Cases Management tool

5,0 for 5 måneder siden

Kommentarer: Great experience to track test cases executions, and bugs integration with JIRA


Its integration with JIRA and the capabilities it provides to execute test cases


Slowness to run queries using Insight module

Sr. QA Automation Engineer i Argentina
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 1.001-5.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

A great tool for Bug and Requirements tracking

5,0 for 3 måneder siden

Kommentarer: A great tool for Bug and Requirements tracking


Its easy integration with SDLC tools such as JIRA to gather needed information


It becomes slow to query many projects through Insights

Bekræftet anmelder
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 10.000+ medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 6-12 måneder


5,0 for 2 år siden


We are using qTest for tracking and creating our Test cases and User Stories and also for keeping a track of bugs


The thing that I don't like about this software is that sometimes it works really slow

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Computersoftware, 201-500 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 6-12 måneder

Lots of functionality

4,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: Have only been using this for about 6 months now and haven't really gotten used to all of the functionality. I believe I am not utilizing all of the functionality, need to take some time aside and learn about more of the bells and whistles.


This software integrates with The Atlassian Jira software pretty well. I can select the Story or Bug that is imported from Jira to a test script and then the text execution data will be displayed in Jira. The catch is that unless you have a qTest license you can't see the actual details of the test when you click on it. You can also click the little create bug button while running a test case in qTest and it will automatically create the Bug in Jira and populate as much data as it can from the current test case.


I'm not sure if it is our implementation - but it seems to hiccup often, I randomly get errors or steps don't display. My problem is that I sometimes forget to click the Save button and I walk away and if the session times out - then all your work is lost.

Design V&V Engineer i USA
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
Finansielle tjenesteydelser, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Gratis prøve

Agile Test Management

4,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: We are trying to replace HP ALM because it's only compatible with an old IE version, has TERRIBLE UI and disrupts a lot of our workflows. If qTest were a more reasonable cost, we would seriously consider implementing this agile test management suite.


I like how easy it is to save work, the intuitive UI and the color scheme for quick status checks. The layout is straightforward like Rally's and it can be a requirements repository. Integration seems to be easy and possible with requirements and Jira.


I didn't like how many steps it seems to take to set up the test plan folders. Our testing is pretty rigorous and used for FDA - approved medical devices so that some of the default workflows and fields are not robust enough. I don't like that the Actual Results field can be left blank as long as you select a test status.

QA Analyst i USA
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
Computersoftware, 501-1.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Qtest for test scripts design

4,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: I use Qtest daily for test script creation and execution. I can see my execution in Jira so I can keep track of my completed tasks. I would recommend this software to other QA analysts.


-Easy to use -Integration with Jira is the main reason we use this -Test Script creation


-Minor bugs when saving a test script could be fixed -If you copy from word or any other source, the text is not always displayed correctly

QA Engineer i Storbritannien
Hospitals- og sundhedsvæsenet, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder

Its a nice tool for test management with good support available online

4,0 for 11 måneder siden

Kommentarer: Its is nice for test management. There is a lot of online support available.


Its easy to use and its feature to record and create tests


The copying of folders across modules. Also its not good for requirement management and hence creating test traceability

Bekræftet anmelder
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder

qTest is the best!

5,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Overall, I find qTest a valuable test management tool. It is time-saving to do batch approvals on large numbers of test cases. Also, creating the parameters further defines the requirements, which facilitates test design and creation.


qTest is very useful when creating and executing large batches of test cases, especially when running the same test cases in different environments. This saves time and effort, great feature!


Could use graphics to show test coverage and progress, rather than just a percentage report.

Test Analyst i Indien
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 10.000+ medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 6-12 måneder

Over all Qtest is good, easy to use tool

4,0 for 2 år siden


Easy to use.Copy, paste & moving is simple


Not much features for automation testing

Bekræftet anmelder
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
Forsikring, 10.000+ medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

My Review of qTest-Test Management Tool

5,0 for 3 år siden

Kommentarer: Overall experience excluding minor hiccups, network issues,was excellent. It provides a variety of options for test management both for Manual or Automation.


Intuitive UI,COLOR CODING, INTEGRATION WITH tools like JIRA, creates a clear link between the test case and the JIRA story assigned. Provides multiple ways to create or upload test cases.Test design is satisfactory when created using qTest .


Requirement mapping,for same items belonging to a particular story you still have to manually tag every item with the story.Frustrating. Also unit level management seems quite old and time consuming.

Bekræftet anmelder
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
Computersoftware, 501-1.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

a cloud based good test management tool

4,0 for 6 år siden

Kommentarer: Overall very good from features but slightly overpriced.


QA Symphony did a pretty good job by packaging most of the test management capabilities into it. Starting with its capability to import test cases from Excel spreadsheets or other tools is great. Other notable feature includes complete control over requirement management and traceability and easy to use UI etc.


It is highly priced compared to other competitors. Features: lacks a Rich Text Editor option in requirement management module.

Bekræftet anmelder
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
, 201-500 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Great for our current needs, but could use some improvements

4,0 for 7 år siden


I like the integration with JIRA, so we can import requirements into qTest just by tagging them on our JIRA board. From there we can have them organized by team and by sprint. Being able to search by requirement is the most useful feature for me.


The UI is a little counterintuitive. To add test cases to a test suite you have to click the 'Statistics' tab then you have the option to add tests. Still don't understand why they named it that.

Bekræftet anmelder
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Our one stop shop for QA

4,0 for 7 år siden

Kommentarer: Overall, I really like using this software. It has the Jira integration, test case creation, test execution sections and good reporting features. We run everything through qTest and export results to Confluence so others have visibility into the work we are doing.


I love the Jira integration. We run all our requirements through Jira and import them into qTest when we can link all our test cases to them.


The out of box reporting is lacking some basic features that you would think come standard.

Scrum Master i USA
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 1.001-5.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Amazing software for QA!

4,0 for 3 år siden


Absolutely love the integration with Jira so that we can track all test cases for each requirement


Would like for it to be more user friendly for those that are not in the QA role

QA Analyst i Indien
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 5.001-10.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Great Product

5,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: Its helping in ease of doing business and run the agile environment in a smooth way


I have been using qtest for a while and I really like it the way it has built up. The integration with jira allows to link JIRA issues against the Qtest which is helpful in overall visibility.


The recent removal of precondition/Prerequisite field I didn't like it. In recent version the test pre requisite you cannot add.

Tester i Rumænien
Flyselskaber/luftfart, 10.000+ medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Great test management tool

5,0 for 3 år siden


I am using it daily and love the fact that you can integrate it with Jira. So you can connect the requirements with the test cases. It is easy to use, has a lot of great features. You can export/import test cases in excel/word.


Maybe the fact that the refresh is taking some time.

Test Engineer i Storbritannien
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 6-12 måneder

Useful for test traceability, good integration with JIRA

4,0 for 5 år siden


The software has a good workflow allowing traceability of requirements right through to individual test runs. It is easy to separate releases and produce reports on test summary once finished.


The UI looks unappealing and third party automation tools are generally not supported, as Tricentis want you to use Tosca for automation with qTest integration. We use Ranorex in our team and unfortunately this cannot hook up into qTest.

Lead QA i USA
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 5.001-10.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Great product for Test Management

5,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: qTest Solved our main purpose of test management. Additionally, Jira integration helped to continue existing tools.


Ease of operation. Uploading TC, Execution, Releases, Jira Integration


Some times the slow response, nice to have automated test execution reports on email

Test Engineer II i USA
Computersoftware, 201-500 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

qTest is Quality for Testing

5,0 for 5 år siden


Easy to use and understand Good Support and Training sessions


qTest Insights didn't have the best options for displaying data/test cases.

qa i USA
Transport/lastbilkørsel/jernbane, 10.000+ medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Overall good

4,0 for 5 år siden


Documenting all the test scenarios and regression test results with bug attached


The jira integration sometimes not working

Quality Assurance Analysy i USA
Transport/lastbilkørsel/jernbane, 1.001-5.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 6-12 måneder

Gets the job done

5,0 for 5 år siden

Kommentarer: We use qTest to write test cases and test plans and track them to completion. It also integrates with our Jira platform for defects which is very handy.


It's quick and concise, easy to use and is very intuitive for what you may need to do with it.


There are some minor hassles like dragging to reorder things being finicky but that's more of a minor nitpick.