18 års erfaring med at hjælper virksomheder med at
vælge bedre software

Danmark Lokalt produkt

Hvad er TimeLog?

Er du på udkig efter en løsning, der løfter dine forretningsprocesser fra aftale til faktura?

TimeLog er den førende PSA-software til projektbaserede virksomheder.

Den kombinerer den mest brugervenlige tidsregistrering med avanceret projektstyring, fakturering, ressourcestyring, skudsikker rapportering og meget mere.

TimeLog er den mest effektive løsning for konsulentvirksomheder, der er på udkig efter den bedste software med integrationer til førende løn- og økonomisystemer.

Hvem bruger TimeLog?

Mellemstore (10-500) konsulentfirmaer, it-virksomheder, rådgivende ingeniører, revisionsfirmaer, offentlige organisationer, digitale, PR- og marketingbureauer og globale organisationer med flere lokationer.

Hvor kan TimeLog anvendes?


Om leverandøren

  • TimeLog
  • Beliggende i Copenhagen, Danmark
  • Grundlagt i 2001

Support vedrørende TimeLog

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chat

Tilgængelige lande

Danmark, Nederlandene, Norge, Sverige


dansk, engelsk, fransk, nederlandsk, svensk og 1 andre

Pris på TimeLog


13,00 €/år
  • Ja, kommer med en gratis prøve
  • Ja, kommer med en gratis version

TimeLog har en gratis version og tilbyder en gratis prøve. TimeLogden betalte version starter fra 13,00 €/år.

Prisordninger Få en gratis prøveversion

Om leverandøren

  • TimeLog
  • Beliggende i Copenhagen, Danmark
  • Grundlagt i 2001

Support vedrørende TimeLog

  • Telefonsupport
  • Chat

Tilgængelige lande

Danmark, Nederlandene, Norge, Sverige


dansk, engelsk, fransk, nederlandsk, svensk og 1 andre

Videoer og billeder af TimeLog

Software til TimeLog - 1
Software til TimeLog - 2
Software til TimeLog - 3
Software til TimeLog - 4
Software til TimeLog - 5
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Video om TimeLog
Software til TimeLog - 1
Software til TimeLog - 2
Software til TimeLog - 3
Software til TimeLog - 4
Software til TimeLog - 5

Egenskaber ved TimeLog

  • API
  • Aktivitetssporing
  • Budgetstyring
  • Budgettering/udarbejdelse af prognoser
  • CRM
  • Clock In/Out
  • Dashboard for aktivitet
  • Fakturastyring
  • Fakturerbare og ikke-fakturerbare timer
  • Fakturering og regninger
  • Flere projekter
  • Flere valutaer
  • Forudsigelser
  • Godkendelsesarbejdsgang
  • Kalenderstyring
  • Kapacitetsstyring
  • Kontrol over godkendelsesproces
  • Lønstyring
  • Medarbejderdatabase
  • Medarbejderplanlægning
  • Medarbejderstyring
  • Mobilapp
  • Opgaveplanlægning
  • Opgavestyring
  • Overtidsberegning
  • Planlægning af projekt
  • Porteføljestyring
  • Prioritering
  • Projektledelse
  • Projektplanlægning/tidsplan
  • Projektsporing
  • Rapportering af udnyttelse
  • Rapportering og statistik
  • Rapportering/analyse
  • Rapportering/projektsporing
  • Real-Time Updates
  • Refusionsstyring
  • Ressourceallokering og -planlægning
  • Ressourceforespørgsel
  • Ressourceplanlægning
  • Ressourcestyring
  • Sporing af ferie/orlov
  • Sporing af fremmøde
  • Sporing af fremskridt
  • Sporing af færdigheder
  • Sporing af milepæle
  • Sporing af omkostninger til færdiggørelse
  • Sporing af tid og omkostning
  • Sporing af udgifter
  • Styring af tidsfrister
  • Styring af tidsrapport
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Tidsregistrering
  • Tidsregistrering for projekt
  • Tildelingsstyring
  • Tilpasselige skabeloner
  • Visning af Gantt/tidslinje

Alternativer til TimeLog

Asana tilbyder en af de enkleste måder at organisere og administrere arbejde på tværs af teams. Her vises, hvorfor Asana er blandt den software, der klarer sig bedst på Capterra.
Håndtér projekter og forbedr arbejdsgange med Wrikes arbejdsstyringssoftware. Fjern barrierer, find klarhed og overgå mål.
monday.com er et skybaseret Work OS, hvor teams driver deres projekter og hverdagsarbejde, uanset om de er på kontoret, hjemme eller på farten.

Anmeldelser af TimeLog

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Anmeldelser efter virksomhedsstørrelse (medarbejdere)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1.000
  • >1.001

Find anmeldelser efter vurdering

Managing Consultant i Nederlandene
Bekræftet LinkedIn-bruger
, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Favorite time and project management solution!

5,0 for 7 år siden

Kommentarer: As a consulting company we live from the hours we spend at our customers and reliability on the invoicing. Timelog makes our project registration and management efficient. We always have up to date project information and the ease of use for our consultants is an important part.


As a fast growing consulting company we really need an easy and reliable time and project management solution. Timelog fulfills this completely in the past three years. The resource manager helps us to give realtime insight in available resources or which people have too much pressure on their planning. For the consultants it's also an easy tool to see which new projects are on their planning in the near future. Invoicing was one of the biggest advantages why we have chosen for Timelog. After two days of wrestling with Excel sheets at the end of the month we came across Timelog. With the Exact Online connection it takes us now 1 hour per month. Last but not least I want to mention the great people behind Timelog! Very experienced, always helpful and they solve your problems almost always the same day. They also list very carefully to our feedback and that often results in new features!


New mobile app, improved resource planner more BI reporting. But I know they are working very hard on these points!

Svar fra TimeLog

for 6 år siden

Dear Christian, Thank you very much for your review, it means a lot to us here at TimeLog! I would also like to extend a humble thanks from our support team! I hope you have got the chance to test our new mobile app - TimeLog Mobile. We're very excited to get your feedback on the way it works and suggestions to better suit your needs. As you mention - improved resource planning and BI reporting is very much top of mind for us and are in the roadmap for 2019. We're looking forward getting you guys on board for this. Thank you for using TimeLog! Best regards, Andreas from TimeLog

Physician Assistant i USA
Sundhed, helse og fitness, 201-500 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Timelog's Efficiency for Tracking Projects

5,0 for 7 måneder siden


Timelog does a great job in managing projects, employee tracking, resource allocation all in one software. It is suitable for business of all sizes, small and large enterprises.


TimeLog can be improved by shifting away from manual administration of timesheets. Also, a missing timesheet can lead to delayed invoicing prone to error.

Sr. Partner i Danmark
Lægemidler, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Good tool for basic time tracking

3,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: We use TimeLog to track staff time by projects. We then pull the data out into Excel where we process the information and generate our invoices each month. It works OK, but is a bit cumbersome. The forecasting/project planning features seem relevant and useful, but we can't make them work for our purposes. If TimeLog spent more effort in usability and context-specific help descriptions, it would vastly improve the usability of the system for us.


The app works great for time tracking project by project. Easy to deploy to new users. Great and fast customer support. Great up-time (very rare that the app is not working).


The product is very ambitious about the many features and integrations it offers, but the usability of all but the most basic features is very complex and requires substantial IT skills to make work. For our business, the required effort is too much, so we just use a fraction of the features. This makes the product more expensive for us than it should be. For instance, the system for hourly rates is a maze to navigate, and once a project is created it is impossible to shift to another rate card - even if the first chosen rate card was a mistake. Frustrating.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Mikkel Thank you for taking the time to write us this review. This is great feedback! I am differently taking it to our product team. If you don't mind write to me more about the areas in the system where you are referring to "If TimeLog spent more effort in usability and context-specific help descriptions". You can write to me at [email protected]. Best regards Kirstine from TimeLog

Consultant i Danmark
Regnskabsføring, Selvstændig
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

get paid for you time

4,0 for 2 år siden


Timelog ensures that I bill out all spent time on customer projects - with online tracking or manual entering. Also quick possibility to track driving and expenses. I use it everyday and is in integrated routine of working.At billing time it will generate invoice drafts and seamlessly transfer them to my financial system.It's one of the most imporant softwares that I use.


Timelog has quite som functionality and I use only a bit and sometimes am overwhelmed. Sometimes could be more helpful/intuitive on processes support instead of focusing on objects (i.e. if i need a new project let me start there, select/add customer, time rates, etc. and ask if it should create a new customer in the finance system, so the whole setup is done at once and ready for tracking and billing).The mobile app is still a struggle as it needs to be killed first nearly everytime it wakes up before it can load the company data.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Jozef Thank you very much for taking the time to write this review and give us feedback. That sounds like a great idea to have more support through the system. I will take the feedback with me back to our product team. If you have more feedback on where in our system we can have more supporting features, then please feel free to write to my email [email protected] Best Regards Kirstine from TimeLog

Backend Developer i Danmark
Online-medier, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Ease of use. Good integration with Jira.

5,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: we use this for time and finance management AFAIK. Checking overtime and registering vacation time.


Easy to track and manage timelogging that is outside of our jira scope. Easy to use when you have holidays and vacations to track. It also makes it possible to see accumulated overtime.


I wish there was an option to see accumulated overtime without having to load the calendar for several months back.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Elisabeth Thank you so much for this review, it means the world to us that you find our system easy to use. I would love to hear more about your need for this overview, maybe it is something more of our customers would find useful. If you don't mind write to me at [email protected] then we can talk more about it. Best Regards Kirstine from TimeLog

Trine Terp
Head of patent administration i Danmark
Retspraksis, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Pros and cons

3,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Good for time tracking, although more features are desirable. The system is clearly not developed for consultancy firms that need to invoice time and material, disbursements, official fees and other costs in the same invoice. I think for other companies selling goods, it is a good system that works well in many ways.


Easy to make a single invoice, easy to track time in the time sheet, WIP overview


It's very difficult to have even smaller customisations, it took nearly two years to develop a new invoice template which then still needs manual editing as some lines cannot be transferred to Economics. The specification only comes in one format and apparently it's impossible to develop a new (additional) format. You cannot change debtor on a project once a time registration has been made (would be good so you don't have to create new projects). Too many bugs appearing. After 3 years we still experience new bugs we never saw before.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Trine Thank you so much for taking the time to write us this review, it means a lot to us getting feedback from our customers. I am sorry that you have and are experiencing these issues, that is definitely not how we wish our customers should be experiencing. Our very competent Customer success manager Magnus would love to have a meeting about these issues and needs you have, that we are not meeting. He will make contact you very soon or you are more than welcome to write to him at [email protected] Best regards Kirstine from TimeLog

Manager i Danmark
Automatisering af industri, 2-10 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Overall quite good

3,0 for 2 år siden


I really like the entry level costs as they were when we entered several years ago. I have no clue if it still offer the same entry level.Support has always been fast to reply and the operator has always been able to either answer by themselves or request immediate help from back office.


The entry level subsribtion has an odd limitation: currency. You can only use 1 currency at entry level. In other words, TimeLog thinks that the fact that you do business with companies that runs on a different currency or are operating from abroad, means that our company must be wealthy.

IT engineer i Indien
Bygningsingeniørarbejde, 2-10 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Very useful tool to have

5,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Saves a lot of time for managing projects. But, the invoice should be better. There are a few problems which needs to be solved. Apart from that, its a good product to have.


The reporting about individuals is great.


The customer support is the worst. Have to leave a message at zendesk. Then they will reply on their convenient time. As we are paying pro level price, so we demand pro level customer service. Not enough customisation option. No notification system on milestones. The gantt charts is not very well thought. It should be better in design.

Overvejede alternativer: Asana

Grunde til at skifte til TimeLog: Because of bank integration.

PMO i Belgien
Bioteknologi, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Simple and Easy to use!

4,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Overall experience has been really nice, i would highly recently if.


The time tracking has been designed to be user friendly.


Interface is simple, but sometimes it feels too outdated.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Mateen Thank you so much for this review, it means the world to us that you like our system. We are working on updating the different areas and functions in the system so it fits modern needs better. I would love to hear what areas you find outdated and why, you can contact me through my email [email protected] Best Regards Kirstine fra TimeLog

Consultant i Sverige
Computersoftware, Selvstændig
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år


2,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Not so good. Timelog is too complex.


When I started with Timelog at 2007, The system was fast and responsive. Support was outstanding


Today, I can say that the system is slow ( I mean very slow). Takes several days to reach Support. If they even reply back

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi John Thank you for taking the time to give us this feedback. I'm sorry that you have experienced this treatment when trying to reach our support. This is definitely not the level of standard we wish to have and we have had a big focus on it in this new year. If you still have some cases there haven't been handled, please feel free to write to me at [email protected] then I will take a look at them. Best regards Kirstine From TimeLog

CEO i Danmark
Computer- og netværkssikkerhed, 2-10 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Every day use

5,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Easy timetracking and thereby creating a valid data for invoicing customers.


Ease of use, when we hire new consultants, most of them already know Timelog


Hard to customize frontpage, it should be easier to have KPI's

Consultant i Sverige
Olie og energi, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år

Consultancy company

5,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Overall a good tool.


Easy to use when time tracking and follow up.


It would be nice if you could make your one personalized reports. If some formulas could be used as well in these reports it would be even better.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Per Thank you so much for your review. It means the world to us that you like our product. I would love to pass your suggestion on to our product managers. If you wouldn't mind writing to me about which formulas you are referring to and if there is a specific data area that you had in mind? My email is [email protected] Best regards, Kirstine from TimeLog

Teamleader i Danmark
Human Resources, 2-10 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Timelog Review

4,0 for 2 år siden


I mostly like the easy and userfriendly way of time registration. Additionally, i have been in contact with the customer support a couple of times, and they are always very helpful! This is also one of the things i like about timelog, you can always get good and qualified support.


When you need to surfe around TimeLog it is not that userfriendly, if you want to see a project and how many hours a colleague have been working on that it could be improved how it is visualized and how it is coordinated through the website.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Camilla Thank you so much for your review. We appreciate the great praise for our customer support. I would love to hear more about how we visual could set it up better for you. Please feel free to write to my E-mail [email protected] Best regards, Kirstine from TimeLog

Christian Møller
Senior Software Architect i Danmark
Elektronikproduktion, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 2 år


4,0 for 2 år siden


registration of time and expenses is good


It can not communicate with our ERP system, that means a lot of manual work ,with a risk of failure

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hej Christian Thank you so much for taking the time to give us this review. I would love to hear more about what our system is missing from communicating better with your ERP system, you can write to my email at [email protected]. Best regards Kirstine from TimeLog

COO i Sverige
Olie og energi, 2-10 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Easy to use

4,0 for 2 år siden


I like that Timelog is easy for a new user to use. No need for the user to add timecodes or project numbers, that´s up to the admin. A new user is up and running in less than 5 minutes.


The occations we have needed customer support it has left us a bit disappointed.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Per Thank you so much for taking the time to write us this review. I'm sorry to hear that your experience in our support has not been satisfying. I would love to look into how the cases were handled, if you could please send me the case number to my email, [email protected] Best regards Kirstine from TimeLog

Berkan Tugcan
Consultant i Tyskland
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder

TimeLog Review

4,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: pretty good


It has a clean, simplistic design which doesnt overwhelm one when working with it.


Basic stuff like tracking time is a bit hard to find a first

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Berkan Thank you for taking the time to write us this review. I would love to hear more about what made it not intuitive in terms of finding out the time-tracking part of the system. You are welcome to write to my email [email protected] Best regards, Kirstine from TimeLog

Jeppe Tranberg
Projekt Manager i Danmark
Computersoftware, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 6-12 måneder

Great Timetracking software

4,0 for 2 år siden


Easy to track time and expenses in one place.


Export the correct data for reporting, can be a bit of a task to set up.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Jeppe Thank you so much for your review. We are at the moment working on improving our export of reports in the system. Hopefully, it would make it easier to set up. Best Regards Kirstine From TimeLog

Jr. Electrical superintendent i Indien
Logistik og forsyningskæde, 1.001-5.000 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år


5,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Good , easy Userfriendly


Userfriendly also about company public holidays already incorporated in our time log, which makes us easy to plan for leaves and all.


there should be an option for instant feedback if we feel anything missing can give feedback or report instantly.there was something else in my mind and at present it's slipped out of my mind.if anything comes in the future I shall report it.kindly share if instant feedback easy option is already available on timing portal,

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Amreen We are very pleased to hear that you are satisfied with our system and thank you very much for taking the time to write the review. I will definitely suggest an easier way for our customers to give small feedback in the system. If you remember anything, feel free to write to my email [email protected] Best regards Kirstine from TimeLog

Business Assistant i Sverige
Bygningsingeniørarbejde, 2-10 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder

Review for TimeLog

4,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: I like it so far, and all the people in my team like it aswell


It’s easy to setup and navigate through the different sites.


I would like TimeLog to propose some sentences that I write often, for instance when I buy lunch

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Christian Thank you so much for the nice review, we are glad that you find the system easy to use. I will take the suggestion, about an automatic comment when registration time. with me to our product team. Best regards Kirstine from TimeLog

Managing Consultant i Danmark
Ledelsesrådgivning, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: Over 1 år

Time and project management

3,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Works fine and I use it on daily basis


Time management in projects works great.


It takes too long time to set up new customers and contacts

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Jess Thank you so much for taking the time and write us this review. And thank you for the feedback on the user experience. I would love to hear more about what areas in the setup there could be more automatic, If you don't mind please feel free to write to my email at [email protected] Best Regards Kirstine From TimeLog

Performance Associate i Danmark
Markedsføring og reklamer, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder

TimeLog Review

4,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: It's decent for time registration.


The option to be able to put add favourite job numbers.


The lookup option could be optimized and made more intuitive.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Jens Thank you so much for taking the time to give us this review. We are looking for feedback on the different functions in the system. Especially if there are areas where it is not intuitive, so if you wouldn't mind telling me more about it. You can write to my email [email protected] Best regards Kirstine From TimeLog

Cloud Developer i Danmark
Internet, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 6-12 måneder

Timelog from a developer perspective

4,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: As a user its been great, as a developer it's been bad


It has a nice UI and easy to view projects and tasks


As a developer the API has been bad to work with. Lacking tons of features.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Jonas Thank you so much for your positive review, it means a lot to us. We are still trying to improve our API and therefore I would love to hear more about what features you observed our API is lacking. Feel free to write me your suggestions to my email [email protected], then I will pass them on to our developer team, responsible for our API. Best Regards, Kirstine from TimeLog

Marketplace Manager i Tyskland
Informationsteknologi og -tjenester, 2-10 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder

daily must have

3,0 for 2 år siden


i like that i can easily make up the time if i forget to log in to the company in the morning


since I only track daily time, I can't say anything negative about it

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Steffen Thank you so much for taking the time to give us this review. We are happy to hear that you find the product easy to use. Best regards, Kirstine from TimeLog

Management Secretary and Adm. Assistance i Danmark
Bygningsingeniørarbejde, 11-50 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder


4,0 for 2 år siden


I like the features for tracking time, viewing employee reports


Some times you have to fill out the same info several place when setting up a project.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Natalie Thank you so much for taking your time and writing this review. It means the world to us that you like using TimeLog and I will pass on the feedback. Best Regards Kirstine from TimeLog

Team Lead Search & Marketplace Optimization i Tyskland
Internet, 51-200 medarbejdere
Har anvendt softwaren til: 1-5 måneder

Covers many needs, not intuitive though

2,0 for 2 år siden

Kommentarer: Might provide help for the finance team but not really user friendly.


In general time tracking and budget planning is accurate and might provide lots of insights and report functions


Complexity by being not intuitive at all in using the tool. Most functions are not useful for me and my fellow colleagues.

Svar fra TimeLog

for 2 år siden

Hi Christian Thank you so much for taking the time to write us this review. We would like to hear more about what you not finding intuitive. We will reach out to you very soon. Best regards, Kirstine from TimeLog